Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Music Appreciation Final Pt. 1 Essays
Music Appreciation Final Pt. 1 Essays Music Appreciation Final Pt. 1 Paper Music Appreciation Final Pt. 1 Paper Essay Topic: Poetry A musical sound is represented by a symbol called a(n): note Measures mark off groupings of beats, each with a fixed number that coincides with the meter. True A repeated rhythmic pattern in which an accented beat is followed by two unaccented beats is in: triple meter The metrical pattern in which a strong beat alternates with a weak one is called: duple meter The resting place at the end of a phrase is called: a cadence Syncopation is typical of African American dance music and spirituals. True Which of the following songs is in compound meter? Greensleeves Melodies that have numerous wide intervals are disjunct True According to the textbook, the musical element that makes the widest and most direct appeal is: melody The overall shape of a melody is called range. False Should a composer write a dil score to a horror movie, we might reasonably expect the the harmony would include a great deal of: dissonance Meter is an organizing principle shared by music and poetry. True The simultaneous use of two or more rhythmic patters is called: polyrhythm A combination of tones that is discordant and unstable produces a consonance. False A triad is a chord made up of three tones. True Generally speaking, music had grown more consonant though the ages. False Polyrhythm is the characteristic of musics of many African cultures. True In triple meter, the strongest pule occurs on: The first beat In sextuple meter, the principle accents usually fall on: beats 1 and 3 A musical sound: generally has a perceivable pitch and a measurable frequency. A succession of single tones or pitches perceives as a unit is called: a melody A collection of pitches arranged in ascending or descending order is called: a scale The distance between two pitches is called: an interval The two scale types commonly found in Western music from about 1650 to 1900 are major and minor. True Most musical cultures share the concept of melody or musical line. True The element of music that organizes movement in time is: rhythm Music that moves without a sense of beat or meter is called: nonmetric The distance between the highest and lowest tones of a melody is called the: range Which of the following terms describes a concordant, to agreeable, combination of tones? consonant A melody can be characterized by: All of the above The regular pulse in music is called the beat A triad is: all of the above What meter is known as common time? quadruple The deliberate shifting of the accent to a weak beat or an offbeat is called: syncopation A texture featuring a single, unaccompanied line is called: monophonic A unit of meaning within a larger structure of a melody is called: a phrase The vertical dimension of music is called: harmony Meter is the grouping of the beats The number of vibration per second is called: frequency In simple duple meter tree are beats in a measure and each beat is divisible by three. False Which of the following terms refers to the use of EVERY pitch in the range of an octave? chromatic In harmony, a place of rest and return is: the tonic The number of vibrations per second is called: frequency Which term describes a melody that moves by small intervals? conjunct The quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument or voice from another is: timbre Musical punctuation, similar to a comma or period in a sentence, is called: a cadence The first accented beat of a measure is called a: downbeat Polyphonic texture is two or more melodic lines or equal importance sounding at the same time Which of the following does NOT make frequent use of pentatonic scales? Western art music When two or more independent melodic lines are combines, the resulting texture is called: polyphony In a major scale, the greatest tension lies between what two tones? 7 and 8 Active chords seek to resolve to resting chords, imparting a sense of direction or goal. True In homorhythmic texture, the melody and harmony move with the same rhythm. True With which era is chromatic music most frequently associated Romantic A twelve-tone scale, including all the semitones of he octave, is called: chromatic The term homophonic describes a single-voiced texture without accompaniment. False The interweaving of the melodic lines, or the relationship of musical lines, within a work is called: texture Which of the following terms does NOT refer to a musical scale? monophonic According to the textbook, the most commonly heard texture today is likely to be: homophony The smallest interval in the Western musical system is called: a half step Most compositions use one type of texture exclusively. False The process of passing from one key to another is known as: modulation Which symbol represents the tonic chord> I The art of counterpoint is most closely associated with monophonic texture. False In Western music, the octave is divided into how many equal intervals? twelve The procedure in which a melodic idea is presented in one voice and hen restated in another is called: imitation The musical symbol # represents a: sharp In a major scale, between which pairs of tones do the half steps occur? 3 and 4, 7 and 8 Which symbol represents the dominant chord? V Some traditional music of the Middle East and the Far East today is still monophonic. True The predominant texture used in Western music until about one thousand years ago was: monophony Chromatic music is most closely associated with the Classical era. False A musical texture featuring a single, unaccompanied line is called: monophonic The smallest fragment of a theme that forms a melodic-rhythmic unit is called: a motive Form in music refers to the overall plan for the organization of the music The first note of the scale: all of the above A combination of tones that sounds discordant, unstable, or in need of resolution is called: dissonance Which of the following tempo markings does NOT indicate a slow tempo? allegro The restatement of a musical idea at a higher or lower pitch is called: sequence The word that indicates the music should get louder is decrescendo. False The term a cappella refers to a choral music performed: without any accompaniment A mechanism that generates musical vibrations and launches them into the air is called: an instrument Most large musical ensembles need a conductor in order to perform together. True The term pizzicato means to play in a throbbing manner. False The highest-sounding member of the woodwind family is the: piccolo The quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument or voice from another is: timbre Which of the following voice types has the lowest range? bass The pipe organ is a wind instrument, sounded by air. True The style of a historical period is defined by: the total language of all its artists The piano is limited by a narrow range of pitches and dynamics. False Which of the following is true of all brass instruments? all of the above The approximate dates for the Renaissance era are: 1450-1600 The human voice: possess lyric beauty and expressiveness that have been a model for instrument builders and players Which of the following is the lowest member of the double-reed family? the contrabassoon Which of the following brass instruments is sometimes played with the performers hand plugging the bell? French horn The modern orchestra is typically made up of thirty to forty players. False The soprano brass instrument sometimes described as possessing a brilliant timbre is the: trumpet Which is the correct order of bowed string instruments from highest to lowest in range? Violin, viola, cello, double bass Of the following, which describes the organ? all of the above Which marking is appropriate for a slow tempo? Adagio Woodwind instruments: all have holes in the pipe A set of pipes on an organ that has the same voice is known as a rank The term band refers to a: all of the above In chamber music, a piano quintet is one piano plus a string quartet The most common chamber music ensemble is the String Quartet The standard brass quintet consists of 2 trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba The two centers of power in the Middle Ages were the feudal lord and the state. False The modes were the basis for European art music for less than one hundred years. False The order of church services and the structure of each service are known as the liturgy. True During the Middle Ages, which of the following was NOT a reason to seek shelter in a monastery or convent? search for an easy life Which of the following does NOT characterize Gregorian chant? triadic harmonies A setting of Gregorian chant with one note per syllable is called: syllabic Hildegards Alleluia, O virga mediatrix has a neumatic text setting with some melismas. True In addition to composing music, Hildegard of Bingen is known for: all of the above Music notation was invented to further the goals of Christian worship. True The core of music-making today s largely based on the traditions from: Europe On which liturgical occasion(s) was Hildegards Alleliua, O virga mediatrix sung? feast days of the Virgin Mary ____is traditionally associated with collecting and organizing the chants of the church. Pope Gregory the Great A setting of plainchant with many notes per syllable is called syllabic. False What event opened the doors between East and West? the Crusades Some scholars argue that song was one of the earliest forms of speech. True Why does Gregorian chant sound so different from other types of Western music? There is no harmony The order of the church services and the structure of each service are known as the liturgy. True Which of the following was NOT a role for secular music? assisting in religious services Groups of wandering peasant class medieval secular musicians, mainly in France, were known as: Jongleurs The Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei constitute what part of the Mass? the Ordinary Minstrels were the medieval secular musicians who were considered to be the lowest order. False Medieval carols grew out of the celebration of the Midnight Mass after Western Europe was converted by the Christian Church. False What is the primary language of the Mass? Latin Free organum was most often found in tropes Troubadours, trouvà ¨res, and trobairitz were medieval poet-musicians. True Minstrel means little servant The term Dark Ages formerly referred to the time: between 500 and 1000 c.e. Since Machaut was a cleric in the church, he wrote only sacred music. False In Early motets, the voice of the motet that contains the original Gregorian melody is: the Tenor The Frankish emperor who encourages education and the concept of a centralized government was: Charlemagne The Roman Catholic Mass for the Dead is Magnificat. False When did organs begin to be used in Western European catholic churches? 10th Century AD A waytpipe all of the above Early notation suggested melodic contours using small ascending and descending signs called: neumes Some carols predate Christianity. True Only a few of the original Gregorian chant melodies still survive today. False The special Mass sung at funerals and memorials in the Roman Catholic Church is: the Requiem Surviving medieval music contains very specific instrumental indications. False In creating organum, the added voice was most often called the duplum Which type of medieval organ was the most portable? Portative Italian madrigalists set words such as weeping, trembling, and dying with great expression. True Josquins Ave Mariavirgo serena is an example of the: motet The dominant composers of the early Renaissance came from: northern Europe The syllables fa la la appeared in the refrains of secular music from ___ England Which of the following best describes the character of Farmers Fair Phyllis? pastoral and light The portion of the Mass that changes from day to day, depending on the feast celebrated, is called: the Proper Which of the following is NOT part of the Ordinary of the Mass? Alleluia Religious belief became more personal during the Renaissance. True Josquin did not use preexisting melodies in his sacred works. False Which of the following best describes the texture of ideal Renaissance sacred music? imitative Palestrina spent the bulk of his career in Rome. True After the Protestant Reformation of the early sixteenth century, the Roman Catholic Church responded with a movement to recapture the loyalty of its people. This was known as: the Counter-Reformation The dense counterpoint in the Pope Marcellus Mass obscures the words. False Unlike Italian madrigals, Fair Phyllis has no word painting. False Josquins career centered exclusively in his native France. False Why does the Renaissance music sound different from medieval music? all of the above Renaissance means rebirth A medieval brass instrument usually made from wood with finger holes is called: the cornetto The term antiphonal implies more than one group of performers. True England adopted the Italian madrigal and developed it into a native form. True Instrumental music was much more important than vocal music in the Renaissance. False Like the Renaissance motet, the polyphonic setting of the Mass was often based on a cantus firmus. True Although the invention of the printing press revolutionized the dissemation of the printed word, it was unadaptable to printing music. False Popular tunes were never used in the Ordinary of the Mass during the Renaissance. False An important philosophical outlook of the Renaissance was humanism Which of the following could be considered an appropriate outdoor instrument? the sackbut The greatest native-born English composer of the Baroque was: Henry Purcell The orchestral introduction heard at the beginning of an opera is called: an overture Johann Sebastian Bach was most famous in his day as a performer on: the organ The sacred cantata was an integral part of the: Lutheran church service During his lifetime, Johann Sebastian Bach was known primarily as a great organist. True George Frideric is considered a master of: the oratorio Which of the following does NOT characterize the oratorio? elaborate scenery Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion from Messiah is an example of: a da carpo aria The role of the chorus is especially important in the oratorio. True Handel wrote his oratorio over a period of four years. False Many operas during the Baroque were based on characters from Greek and Roman mythology. True Which statement is true of Baroque Era cantatas? all of the above An important composer of early operas was Monteverdi A virtuoso is someone who is very skilled in performing The earliest operas took their plots from: Greek mythology A drama that is sung is called: an opera Violin sonatas always have keyboard accompaniment. False At its inception, opera took the world by storm and was seen by huge audiences all over Western Europe. False What is the form of each individual movement in a suite? binary Handels Water Music is best described as a: suite The Baroque period was the first in which instrumental music was comparable in importance to vocal music. True Which of the following was the greatest and most prolific Italian composer of concertos? Vivaldi Vivaldi lived in Venice, where he taught music at a girls school. True Antonio Vivaldi composed over two hundred concertos for solo violin. True What is a toccata? an improvisatory, virtuosic keyboard work What is the principal element of a fugue? counterpoint A fugue is a form intended exclusively for solo keyboard performance. False Bachs last demonstration of contrapuntal mastery was: The Art of Fugue Baroque composers applied the concept of the suite to: all of the above The typical solo concierto has ___ movements. three Which of the following is a well-known set of concertos by Vivaldi? The Four Seasons The Four Seasons can be considered program music. False Which of the following was NOT an important keyboard instrument during the Baroque? the piano The___ is a keyboard form based on the principle of voices imitating each other. fugue Which of the following is a set of forty-eight preludes and fugues by Bach? The Well-Tempered Clavier In the field of keyboard music, Johann Sebastian Bachs most important collection was: The Well-Tempered Clavier Today, Baroque music is played exclusively on modern instruments. False The Baroque concerto is written for a solo instrument with a continuo accompaniment. False What is the principal element of fugue? counterpoint The keyboard instrument that uses various sets of pipes to create contrasting colors is: the organ The three main keyboard instruments of the Baroque were the harpsichord, organ, and piano. False In a fugue, the area of relaxation where the subject is not heard are called: episodes A sonata is an instrumental piece in several movements for a soloist or a small ensemble Handels Water Music Suite is so names because it was composed for a yachting trip King George I of England took down the river Thames Handel, though German, had a great interest in writing Italian opera. True The modern orchestra has its roots in the orchestra of the Baroque Era. True The Baroque technique of placing numeral, indicating the harmony required, above or below the bass notes, is called: figured bass Handels Royal Fireworks Music was performed without continuo interments when played outdoors. True In The Art of Fugue, Bach includes musical reference to his own name. True A chorale is a hymn tune associated with German Protestantism. True The woodwind instruments of the baroque period are almost identical to modern instruments. False The Royal Fireworks music was originally scored for wind band. True The concerto grosso is a form relegated almost entirely to the Baroque era. True An italian overture begins with a slow section followed by a section based on a dance rhythm. False A passion is an oratorio on the final events of the life of Jesus Christ The number of players needed to perform a Baroque basso continuo is: two Johann Sebastian Bach lived a short, unhappy life, and had no children. False Baroque trumpets were so primitive that no concertos were composed for them. False Which of the following best describes absolute music? music without a story or text Which of the following descriptions is most characteristic of a jazz performance? improvisation on reestablished harmonic patterns Which of the following compositional techniques does theme and variation form often utilize? all of the above Haydns String Quarter, Op. 76, No. 3 was nicknamed the Emperor because: The slow movement is based on a hymn written for Emperor Franz II. Haydn enjoyed phenomenal musical success with two trips to___. England The slow movement of a multi movement cycle is most frequently the third movement. False How many movements are typical of pre-Classical symphonies? three The patronage system failed to support Haydn, and he was fired to live by teaching and performing. False The nickname father of the symphony was earned by: Haydn Haydn composed the Military Symphony for his second visit to___. London Which of the following terms describes a concordant or agreeable combination of tones? consonant The earliest operas were generally based on stories from the bible. False Like the Renaissance motet, the polyphonic setting of the Mass was often based on a cantos firms. True Percussion Instruments were unknown in the Renaissance. False C.P.E. Bach all of the above In Bachs Orchestral Suite No. 3, Air refers to a very melodic movement not related to a dance rhythm The bass brass instrument in the Renaissance was the Serpent A standard string quartet consists of: 2 violins, viola, and cello The most important instrumental genre of the Classical period was: the symphony The Renaissance represented, among other things, a rebirth of interest in and admiration of the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome Performers often improvised during the Baroque Era. True The Trumpet Concerto is Haydns only concerto False Handel spent most of his adult life in Salzburg, Austria False Carols were sung during Medieval times as part of celebrations that occurred throughout the year. True An early composer of the polyphonic music was Pà ©rotin Which of the following is NOT a member of the brass family? English horn The texts of the Proper of the Mass change regularly True In a trio sonata, it was common for musicians to substitute a flute for one of the violin parts True By the time of the Renaissance, some professional singers were being employed in the larger cathedrals True An early center for the development of polyphony was the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. True The term diatonic describes melodies or harmonies that are: built from the notes of the major or minor scale Much of what we know today about the instruments and performance practice of the Renaissance is due to the work of ___ who produced the Syntagma Musicum and compiled many dance tunes in the use during the period Michael Praetorius It was through the musical innovations of the ___ that opera was born Florentine Camerata In the eighteenth century, composers were viewed as equals to the highest level of society. False During the Baroque era, some boy singers were castrated to preserve the high register of their voices, allowing them to sing high pitched operatic roles. True The piano for its name, originally pianoforte, from: its ability to be played with some degree of dynamic contrast The separate sections of a large musical work are called: movements How many movements were typical of Early or Pre-Classical symphonies? three The trumpet for which Haydn composed his Trumpet Concerto had keys Which of these is not a characteristic of the music of the Classical era? terraced dynamics Tempo refers to the speed of the beats A pipe organ has one or more keyboards known as manuals A troper is the medieval designation for a singer in the church false All woodwind instruments have what in common? Different pitches achieved by opening and closing holes Which of the following was NOT a recommendation of the Council of Trent? using more instruments to embellish church music The test of Ave Mariavirgo serena concerns: praise of the Virgin Mary The dominant is an example of an active chord, which can douse tension in music until resolved. True All musical cultures of the world divide the octave into twelve equal half steps false Later in life, Handel turned his efforts from the opera to: the oratorio One of the reasons for the success of the Renaissance motet was its free use of the vernacular languages false In many world cultures, secular songs tend to be polyphonic false In a fugue, the technique of stating the theme in faster rhythmic values is called: diminution The first era of Western music history in which instrumental music was a major focus for composers was the: Baroque Music based on the seven tones of a major or minor scale is called: diatonic A piano trio is an ensemble of three pianos False Most of the surviving music from the early Middle Ages is secular False Vivaldis solo concertos typically are in four movements False Handels Messiah is: an oratorio Thematic development provides clarity, coherence, and logic to larger musical forms. True Music is propelled forward in time by: rhythm An oratorio is a dramatic, staged work with elaborate scenery and costumes False The famous choral climax of Handels Messiah is: the Hallelujah Chorus. Musical style is best defined as the: characteristic manner of presentation of a work Chromatic music is most closely associated with the Classical era False In Islamic practice, how many times is the call to prayer sounded in a day? Five Polyphony required the development of: New melodic modes In what era did the development of polyphony begin to emerge? Romanesque Era The earliest type of polyphony was: Organum The first major center of polyphony was Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris The Notre Dame style of polyphony, in which the tenor line was based on a preexisting chant melody and the upper voice moved freely (and more rapidly), was called: Organum Who is credited with compiling the Great Book of Organum (Magnus liber organi)? Leonin Which of the following does NOT describe Gaude Maria virgo? Accompaniment with musical instruments The tradition of troubadours and trouvßres developed in France Which of the following was NOT a subject reflected in the poems of the troubadours and trouvßres? Rebirth of Classical learning Which of the following does NOT describe the Crusades? Fostered religious tolerance in the West The outstanding composer-poet of the Ars nova was: Machaut The French courtly love song of the Middle Ages was called the: Chanson Which of the following composed Ma fin est mon commencement? Machaut Which of the following does NOT characterize Ma fin est mon commencement? It has a monophonic texture What is the form of a rondeau? ABaAabAB The expressive device that Renaissance composers used to pictorialize words musically is called Word-painting Which of the following was the most important secular genre of the sixteenth century? Madrigal Where was the madrigal first developed? Italy The vivid depiction of a text through music, known as word-painting, is a hallmark of the: Madrigal Why are the madrigals of Arcadelt so important? They brought a new level of expression to the madrigal. Madrigals with simpler and more accessible texts were especially favored in: England The invention of the printing press allowed: a. books to become available to the middle class. b. people in the middle class to learn how to read music. c. the spread of education and literacy. D*** all of the above Which of the following was a characteristic of medieval art abandoned in the Renaissance? space organized in a succession of planes Which genre of vocal music was NOT used in Renaissance church services? Chanson What best describes the texture of ideal Renaissance sacred music? Imitative The fixed melody used as a basis for elaborate polyphonic writing in the Renaissance was called A Cantus Firmus Which early Renaissance composer exerted a powerful influence on generations of composers who followed? Josquin Des Prez The text of Ave Maria . . . virgo serena is: in praise of the Virgin Mary The portion of the Mass that remains the same in every celebration of the service is called: the Ordinary The portion of the Mass that changes from day to day, depending on the feast celebrated, is called: the Proper What was the primary language of the Mass? Latin Which of the following are the movements of the Ordinary of the Mass? Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei The first section of the Ordinary of the Mass, a plea for mercy, is called the: Kyrie Which section of the Ordinary of the Mass is a confession of faith? Credo Which of the following was a leader in the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther In the churches of Luther and Calvin, the musical emphasis was on: Inclusion of instruments in the service Which composer responded to the reforms of the Council of Trent in an exemplary fashion? Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Medieval instruments can be classified as bas or haut, meaning: Soft or Loud The ________ is an end-blown flute with a breathy tone. Recorder Early instruments used for outdoor performances, such as the shawm and the sackbut, were categorized as: Loud Tielman Susato published music in which major European center? Antwerp The depth resulting from simultaneous events in music is described by the term: Texture An interval spanning eight notes is called an Octave A group of related tones with a common center, a tonic, is called a Key In harmony, the ________ is considered a place of rest and return. Tonic The three most important triads in diatonic harmony are: I, IV, and V. When a melody is transposed to another key, what remains the same? Shape of melodic line A texture in which a single voice takes over the melodic interest while the accompanying voices are subordinate is called: Homophony The procedure in which a melodic idea is presented in one voice and then restated in another is called: Imitation The basic structural concepts in the element of form are: Repetition and Contrast The compositional technique whereby a composer searches out a themes capacity for growth and expansion is known as: Thematic development A basic technique in thematic development is the fragmentation of themes into: Motives The rate of speed at which a piece of music is played is its: Tempo Scat-singing is common in: Jazz Which of the following is NOT a double-reed instrument? Clarinet Which of the following brass instruments is sometimes played with the performers hand plugging the bell? French Horn Which of the following is an unpitched percussion instrument? Timpani What is the name for a Balinese or Javanese orchestra made up largely of gongs, drums, and xylophone-like instruments? Gamelan The overall shape of a melody is called its range. False; it is contour A phrase is a component unit of a melody. True The phrases in the tune Amazing Grace are of unequal length. False The melody of The Star-Spangled Banner is best described as conjunct. True Polyrhythms are characteristic of musics of many African cultures True Harmonic movement in music receives its maximum tension from consonance. False; consonance A sharp lowers a musical tone by a half step. False; raises it The dominant is an example of an active chord, which can cause tension in music until it is resolved. True A single-voiced texture is called monophony. True A movement is a complete, comparatively independent division of a large-scale work. True Plato felt that music without words was lacking in artistic taste. True The violin was highly developed by Italian instrument makers between about 1600 and 1750. True The viola is somewhat smaller and higher pitched than the violin. False; lower pitched Chamber music is intended for a small group of performers, with one player to a part. True A genre is a category or type of music repertory. True String instruments are generally played by either bowing or plucking. True A type of English entertainment combining music, poetry, and dance was called the: Oratorio Luther believed that music belonged to the: Congregation What is the form of the chorale tune Wachet auf? Bar, AAB Why is Messiah so popular in Britain and America today? a. It is sung in English. b. The first part is appropriate for the Christmas season. c. It combines vocal soloists, chorus, and orchestra. d. all of the above ________ was born in Germany and studied in Italy, but spent much of his creative life in England. Handel The famous choral climax of Handels Messiah is: The Hallelujah Chorus In seventeenth-century New England, the Puritan practice of singing that is based on call and response was called: Lining-out The Alla hornpipe movement from Water Music is characterized by: Lively duple meter The solo instrument in Spring, from The Four Seasons, is the: Violin The opening movement of Spring, from The Four Seasons, is in ________ form. Ritornello The harpsichord is different from the piano because: a. it sometimes has two keyboards, rather than one. b. its strings are plucked, rather than struck. c. it is not capable of a wide dynamic range. d. all of the above How many voices, or individual lines, are there in Bachs Contrapunctus I, from The Art of Fugue? Four Which of the following is NOT a type of thematic development? literally repeating a melody at the same pitch level In absolute music, the lack of a prescribed story or text to hold the music together makes the element of ________ especially important. Form A rondo is most typically found in the ________ movement of a Classical multimovement cycle. Last Haydn enjoyed phenomenal musical success with two trips to ________. London, England How many symphonies did Haydn compose? Over 100 Mozarts Eine kleine Nachtmusik is an example of a: Serenade Eine kleine Nachtmusik is: a. German for A Little Night Music. c. a symphony for full orchestra. b. an example of program music. d. all of the above We can best regard sonata-allegro form as a drama between: Two key areas Which of the following best describes the opening of the first movement of Mozarts Eine kleine Nachtmusik? It has a marchlike character. The cadenza in the Classical concerto appears: End of the first movement Which of the following does NOT describe Mozarts piano concertos? He rarely performed his own works, preferring to spotlight his students. What is the form of the first movement of Mozarts Piano Concerto in G Major, K. 453? First-movement concerto form In his third compositional period, Beethoven Used more chromatic harmonies Beethoven gave his Piano Sonata in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2 the designation: Quasi una fantasia The third movement of Beethovens Piano Sonata in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2 is: Filled with restless emotion With which symphony did Beethoven begin to expand the possibilities of the genre? Third The Ode to Joy is the finale of Beethovens: Ninth Symphony The text of the Ode to Joy was written by: Schiller How many movements does Beethovens Symphony No. 5 have? Four Which of the following does NOT describe the final movement of Beethovens Symphony No. 5? The movement ends in despair, just like the first movement. Which Beethoven symphony was selected to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall? Ninth The Catalogue Aria from Mozarts Don Giovanni lists Don Giovannis: Conquests Mozarts Requiem was: His last work, incomplete upon death The text of Mozarts Requiem is sung in: Latin The German term for the art song is: Lied A song form in which the same melody is repeated for every stanza of text is called: Strophic Schubert and his friends organized evening gatherings of artists, writers, and musicians, called: Schubertiads Robert Schumanns A Poets Love is set to texts by: Henrich Heine What nationality was Stephen Foster? American Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair is: Minstrel song Chopin spent his early years in: Poland Chopin spent most of his productive life in: Paris Which of the following was a noted woman composer of the Romantic era? Clara Schumann In which country was Franz Liszt born? Austria Louis Moreau Gottschalk based many of his works on: South American and Caribbean songs. The familiar tune quoted near the end of Gottschalks work The Banjo is: Camptown Races A multimovement, programmatic work for orchestra is called a: Program symphony Which of the following is NOT true of Berliozs Symphonie fantastique? The program deals entirely with nature In Berliozs Symphonie fantastique, what is the idà ©e fixe? the basic theme of the symphony, heard in every movement Music written for plays, generally consisting of an overture and a series of pieces to be performed between acts, is called: Incidental Which of the following does NOT characterize a symphonic poem? It consistently retains Classical form Which of the following is NOT a type of orchestral program music? Concerto The Mighty Five were composers from: Russia Which of the following was NOT a Russian composer? Smetana Morning Mood from Griegs Peer Gynt depicts: His love for his mother Which young composer did Robert and Clara Schumann take into their home? Brahms Brahms wrote ________ symphonies. Four Brahms is often described as a(n) ________ because of his use of the forms established by the Classical masters. Traditionalist Which of the following best describes the style of the third movement of Brahmss Symphony No. 3? Melancholic waltz Which of the following was NOT a leading composer of Italian opera? Bizet The term bel canto refers to: a style of singing that features agility and purity of tone. Verdis opera Nabucco was hugely popular in Italy because it Was interpreted as a sign of Italian independence Wagners total artwork, in which all the arts- music, poetry, drama, visual spectacle- are fused together, is called: the Gesamtkunstwerk. The dominant center of ballet in the early nineteenth century was: France Which of the following is NOT a major figure in post-Romanticism? Brahms The leading composer of Italian opera in the late-Romantic era was: Puccini Puccinis Madame Butterfly is: a tragic tale of a Japanese geisha and a U.S. naval officer. The Japanese shamisen is: A plucked string instrument Of which genre is Faurà © is considered to be a master? song The form of the Libera me from Faurà ©s Requiem is: ABA Impressionism: Sun Rising, the painting that sparked the Impressionist art movement, was created by: Monet Impressionism was a style of painting that was cultivated principally in: Paris Which of the following painters was NOT associated with the Impressionist school? Goya The whole-tone scale used by Impressionist composers derives from: Non-western music The overall form of Debussys Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun is best described as: ABA What is unusual about the opening of Debussys Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun? It opens with a flute solo in the velvety lower register. African slaves in the nineteenth century created a genre of religious song called: spirituals The spiritual Swing Low, Sweet Chariot reflects qualities of which tradition(s)? a. Native American c. European American b. African American d. all of the above Which American composer became known as the King of Ragtime? Joplin
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